Sunday, 19 April 2009


Taxonomy (Dewi, Etty & Alwie)

Exercise 1 (below average) (Dewi, Etty & Alwie)

Exercise 2 (average & above) (Dewi, Etty & Alwie)

Lesson Assessment (Dewi, Etty & Alwie)

Work (Dewi, Etty & Amal)

Scheme of Work (Dewi, Etty & Alwie)

Action Plan (Dewi, Etty & Alwie)

Tp week 5 - 13 (09/02/09 - 15/04/09)

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Tp week 1 - 4 (12/01/09 - 02/02/09)

Thursday, 12 March 2009

ICT lesson

1. How can you initiate, sustain and direct activities in an ICT lesson to motivate students?

Initiate -show an output of a product using ICT such as a photograph using photoshop and later get them to show and do activities using photoshop to derive to an output as shown in the example (they can create on their own too). Showing them the logo of somethingand get the students to try out the drawing using logo programming.

Sustain -get them into pairs or groups and allocate them with tasks where they can discuss and brainstorm ideas together such as having word games or other interactive games that they can discuss the answers together and have a group score.

Direct -get them to create their own blogs and design it and input data on their own into their respective blogs.

2. How can you help students plan, monitor and modify their cognition to develop self-regulated learning of students in ICT?

Example - get them to be in groups and give them tasks to develop a pictoral composition using the computer. give them a set of pictures that canguide them to finishing a story and get the students to describe each picture using their own understanding. later get the students to make the ending of the story and they can add a picture (imported from internet) that can be relevant to describe the ending story that they have created. each of the activity will help the students in planning their stroy carefully and design it creatively and get them to monitor their own progress in comparison with their friends (can be competed - best stroyline, best ending picture, best narration, etc). we can monitor their work and progress and guide them in order for them to make modification on their own. this can help to boost their personal confidence and slef motivation.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Self Evaluation

(1) Self - concerns: ability to teach; class control ; discipline

The start of the lesson went smoothly since they have learnt the same multiplication technique the previous week (with a 2 by 2 digit). The same scenario occurred as last week, where pupils understood the technique well (except about 5 pupils who are SENA students).

The lesson went smoothly with the Year 2 pupils. They managed to sustain their eagerness throughout the whole lesson. At times they were noisy but they managed to stay put especially when given the chances to try out on their own on the IWB. Pupils were given equal ooportunity to try out the paint tools on the IWB. Some were hesitant but after motivating them to try, they managed to come up front and try it out.

(2) Task concerns: teaching tasks such as big classes; inadequate instructional materials

They had trouble in terms of remembering their multiplication tables which that slows their pace in attempting the activity. Even when asking them to perform the examples on the IWB, they still have to finger calculate their multiplication table, which in the end takes longer time for the lesson development. The exercises managed to be done (half of the pupils finished on time, while half of them are still half way through whereas the other 5 SENA pupils either did nothing or only perform one question). The major problem with the students is remembering the multiplication table. Minority of the pupils have difficulty even in drawing the grids (the lower ability ones). However, the lesson went as planned except the games where we still don’t have enough time to let them perform and enjoy the gaming. Only 6 questions were given, and this showed a big gap difference whereby some of the pupil were able to accomplish the 6 questions with confidence and some slightly slower but managed to finish it and find it challenging. In terms of tasks completion, they managed to achieve my target of expectations to have at least half of them able to finish it. However, for the lower ability pupils I was expecting at least half of them able to finish 4 questions but most only did 3.

Amazingly, the Year 2 pupils managed to remember well what they have learnt in previous lesson. More than half of them managed to recognise visually and identify correctly the steps to open and close the Paint program and they managed to recognise the different bars. When asked to spell out verbally, quite a few of them managed to spell correctly or almost correctly.

(3) Impact - Learning concerns: needs of pupils; about themselves as individuals; the tasks and contents of the teaching process; and impact of their teaching on pupil behaviours.

Although individualized attentions have been given, little or no difference was seen in their progress. The major problem with the students is remembering the multiplication table. Minority of the pupils have difficulty even in drawing the grids (the lower ability ones). Only 6 questions were given but half of them were unable to complete the tasks (some too cautious on drawing a perfect grid, some were taking their own sweet time, SENA's either resist to do the work or just very slow with their work). We don't have SENA teachers in the class to help out in accommodating the SENA pupils' learning. Although individual attention were already given to them, once we move on to the next SENA pupil, they just stop doing or trying. The cooperating teacher did help out in the completion of the tasks, but especially for the lower ability pupils and the SENA pupils, it ended up the teacher spoon fed them with the calculations and answers.

Pupils enjoyed their lesson and during recap they managed to recognise and get familiar with the tools in Paint (at least 90%). The lower ability pupils were also getting more interested in the lesson especially after experiencing the try out on their own.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Intro to Paint Program - Part 2

Sekolah Rendah Lambak Kanan

